Monday, January 11, 2010

god its freezing colddd back in london 0_o grumbles. my nose is permanently runny because of e cold.

sighs, i'm so depressed over the fact that my entire hard-drive on my dell laptop got wiped out by my dad's IT person -.- and while they can retrieve it now, they're in binary numbers and have no names -.- so i got to go through a million of files and erh well sort what the fuck they are out. ARGHHHHH! this is so not happening. esp not this week. where i have a mock exam on conflicts on weds, jap hw that i've not done on weds,, econs assignment due on monday and my memorial for telders due on monday too. WAILS. die.

and leslie comes tell me he's much freer this term and tells me to tell him if i'm going for weekend trips -.-


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